
Choosing the Right Time and Attendance System for IT and Tech Companies

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Choosing the Right Time and Attendance System for IT and Tech Companies

Dec, 2023

For IT and tech companies, tracking time and attendance is crucial for accurate payroll, billing, and project management. However, with remote workers, flexible schedules, and constant technological changes, choosing the right time and attendance system can be a challenge.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the key factors IT and tech companies should consider when selecting a time and attendance system, and review some of the top options on the market today.

Key Factors to Consider

When evaluating time and attendance systems, IT and tech companies should keep the following factors in mind:


With hourly employees and billable projects, accuracy is paramount. The system should precisely track clock-in/clock-out times and allow easy time adjustments and edits.


IT teams often work irregular schedules to support off-hour releases or respond to urgent issues. The system should accommodate flexible work hours and schedules.

Remote Access

Many IT employees work remotely full or part-time. A cloud-based system that allows remote clock-in/out and access from any device is essential.

Project Tracking

Billable hours need to be accurately tracked by project. The system should connect time logs to specific clients or internal project codes.

Overtime Rules

Complex overtime rules for IT employees who work extended hours need to be configured properly. Look for a system that supports overtime policies.

Notifications & Alerts

Supervisors need visibility into time logs. Notifications for missed clock-ins/outs, unapproved OT, and projected overtime help minimize payroll errors.

Reporting & Analytics

Robust reporting provides insights into productivity, labor costs, and overtime trends. APIs can connect the data to business intelligence or project management tools.

Mobile Friendly

A mobile app lets employees clock in/out and track time from anywhere. This is essential for a distributed IT workforce.


Choose a system that integrates with your existing HRIS, payroll system, project management tools, and other platforms to avoid duplicate data entry.

Top Time and Attendance Systems for IT

Here are some top-rated time and attendance systems suited for IT and technology companies:

TimeClock Plus

TimeClock Plus is a robust, cloud-based system with extensive configuration options for schedules, overtime, pay rules, and notifications. It has excellent project tracking and reporting capabilities. The mobile app lets employees clock in from anywhere.


TSheets was designed specifically for remote teams. Employees can clock in on the web or mobile app, and GPS tracking confirms attendance. Flexible permission settings allow access to managers only when needed. There are over 100 integrations with leading payroll and accounting systems.


Replicon is ideal for IT service teams that bill by the hour. Employees can log time against specific projects using the web portal or mobile app. Project cost overruns can be prevented by setting overtime alerts and billable hour limits on projects.


Jibble makes time tracking simple for remote teams. Employees can start a time log with one click and track time against projects. Managers have insight into productivity through temporal analytics. Native integrations with Slack and GitHub are included.


For remote IT teams, Hubstaff offers robust time tracking with screenshots, activity levels, and location tagging. Project details can be added to each time entry for billing purposes. Schedules accommodate flexible shifts, and overtime is highlighted.

Key Takeaways

Choosing a time and attendance system tailored for IT professionals requires focusing on accuracy, flexibility, and remote access. Top-rated options like TimeClock Plus, TSheets, Replicon, Jibble, and Hubstaff are feature-rich systems that support the needs of tech companies with distributed, flexible teams and project-based work.

By investing in the right technology to track, analyze, and manage time & attendance, IT and tech companies can better control labor costs, minimize compliance risk, improve productivity, and get real-time insights into their most precious resource: employee time.

Implementing a New System

Once you've selected the right time and attendance system for your IT team, it's time to plan the implementation. Here are some tips for rolling out a new system smoothly:

Get leadership buy-in

Make sure managers understand the benefits of the new system so they will champion the transition. Clear communication from leadership can alleviate any employee uncertainty.

Set expectations

Provide training and FAQ materials to employees so they know what's changing, how the new system works, and what's expected of them. Set a clear effective date.

Configure the system

Work with managers to define pay rules, overtime policies, schedules, notifications, and project lists. Test the configurations thoroughly before go-live.

Train administrators

HR staff, managers, and other admins should receive hands-on training to learn system workflows. Allow time for testing and questions.

Train employees

Employees at all levels need training on new clock-in/out procedures, managing timesheets, assigning time to projects, and using mobile apps. Make training optional or mandatory as needed.

Run in parallel

During a transition period, run the old and new system in parallel to validate accuracy before fully switching over.

Review adoption metrics

Check reports frequently after launch to ensure employees are adopting the new system. Quickly address any issues or confusion.

Refine overtime policies

Use reports to identify unnecessary OT. Refine policies and procedures to control labor costs.

Audit time logs

Conduct periodic audits to verify time tracking accuracy and compliance with payroll policies.

Getting Employee Buy-In

For some employees, adopting a new system feels tedious, especially if the previous process was very simple. Getting buy-in from staff is critical for a smooth transition. Some strategies include:

Communicate benefits

Explain how the system will make their work lives easier, such as the convenience of mobile access and submitting timesheets faster.

Involve teams

Get input from staff to understand needs and concerns. Incorporate feedback into rollout plans and training.

Highlight efficiencies

Note specific ways the system will save time for individuals and teams through process automation and easy data access.

Offer incentives

Consider rewarding teams or individuals with the highest adoption rates. Incentives encourage buy-in.

Lead by example

Managers should actively use the system and support teams during the transition. Their usage sets the tone for employees.

Key Takeaways

An effective timekeeping system is critical for IT and technology companies to control labor costs and gain insights from time data. While implementing a new system requires planning and effort, the long-term benefits are substantial.

By choosing a feature-rich system designed for IT teams, training employees thoroughly, and driving engagement, IT leaders can ensure a smooth and successful rollout that transforms time management. With the right foundation, companies can optimize staff productivity, billing accuracy, and operational efficiency.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Despite thorough planning, there will likely be some hiccups when rolling out a new time and attendance system. Being prepared with troubleshooting plans can help smooth out any bumps.

Problem: Missing clock-ins/outs

Employees forget to clock in or out, resulting in inaccurate time logs. The system should send alerts when expected events are missed. Procedures for correcting missed punches should also be communicated.

Problem: Duplicate accounts

With user self-registration, employees may end up with multiple accounts. Assign admins to merge accounts and deactivate duplicates.

Problem: Incorrect time allocation

Employees may forget to assign hours to projects or code them incorrectly. Managers should review unassigned hours daily and have a process to allocate them properly.

Problem: Non-compliance

Despite training, employees may not comply with new procedures. Disciplinary policies should be defined for intentional non-compliance.

Problem: System errors

Glitches with the software or hardware can prevent clock-ins. Have redundant systems and technical support contracts in place.

Problem: Unauthorized changes

Admin access allows changes to be made across the system. Audit permissions and monitor modifications to ensure proper policies are maintained.

Continuous Improvement

Adoption, compliance, and user satisfaction metrics should be monitored over time. Regular check-ins can identify areas for improvement.

Leave channels open for employee feedback, and act upon suggestions whenever feasible. Providing training refreshers and updating help documentation periodically is also recommended.

As policies, compliance requirements, or workflows change, the system should be reconfigured to accommodate them. Take advantage of all features and enhancements with each upgrade.

Time and attendance systems require care and feeding like any other enterprise IT system. Dedicate resources to monitor usage, optimize configurations, and keep the system aligned with business needs over time.

Key Takeaways

Rolling out a new time and attendance system requires planning, leadership, training, and troubleshooting. However, the benefits for IT teams make the effort worthwhile. With a feature-rich system designed for flexible workforces, IT and tech companies can achieve new levels of efficiency, productivity, and cost management.

By selecting the right technology, implementing it successfully, optimizing adoption, and addressing issues promptly, IT leaders can transform an administrative burden into a source of actionable data and valuable workforce insights.

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Ready to use Open Time Clock?

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Open Time Clock is a powerful and user-friendly online time clock software designed for businesses of all sizes. It offers a comprehensive set of features to effectively manage employee time and attendance. With real-time tracking capabilities, employers can monitor employee hours from anywhere, whether in the office or on the go. The system supports various functionalities such as timesheet management, payroll automation, project tracking, and scheduling. It includes advanced features like geofencing, facial recognition, and GPS tracking to ensure accurate attendance records and prevent time fraud. Open Time Clock provides secure data storage, reliable performance, and flexible access options via desktop, mobile devices, and browsers. With its intuitive interface and extensive reporting capabilities, businesses can streamline their time management processes and enhance productivity. Sign Up Now!