API Document, for product 2004


For any question, please contact us:

Last update: Nov 12, 2022


1. Query Time Cards data:

Sample Code in passing parameters in URL:

https://api1.opentimeclock.com/Jun-Inside-VPC?cmd=api/v2004QueryTimeCards&companyId=xxxx&developerToken=xxxx&nextRecord=0&dateTimeFrom=2022-05-01 00:00:00&dateTimeTo=2022-05-15 23:59:59&userFullName=xxxx&departmentName=xxxx

Sample Code in javascript with jQuery POST:

function post(data, handler) {
  var url = "https://api1.opentimeclock.com/Jun-Inside-VPC"; //api url
  $.post(url, JSON.stringify(data), handler, 'json');

function getTimeCards() {

    //pass in JSON parameters:

    "cmd": "api/v2004QueryTimeCards", //This passed in commmand means query time cards records. We may have add or modify command later.
    "companyId": "xxxx", //Find your "Company ID" in company setting page.
    "developerToken": "xxxx", //Find "Developer Token" in reports page with admin account
    "nextRecord": "0", //Default to "0". If >"0" means query the left data when there are more than 5k records available.
    "dateTimeFrom": "2022-05-01 00:00:00", //From Date Time format: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
    "dateTimeTo": "2022-05-15 23:59:59", //To Date Time format: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
    "userFullName": "xxxx", //sample: Elon Musk; For all users, use "ALL USERS" or ""
    "departmentName": "xxxx" //sample: HR Department; For all departments, use "ALL DEPARTMENTS",or ""
  }, function (result) {

    //sample code to use returned data:

    var statusCode = result.statusCode;
    var message = result.message;
    var nextRecord = result.nextRecord;
    var dataSet = result.data;

    if(statusCode == 'SUCCESS')
        console.log('query data successfully.');

    if(statusCode == 'ERROR')
        console.log('query data failed. check returned message.');

    if(nextRecord == '-1')
        console.log('no more data left');

    if(nextRecord != '-1')
        console.log('there are more data left. pass in nextRecord to query more.');

    //use data set like this:
    var firstFullName=dataSet[0].userFullName;

Sample Code in PHP:



"cmd" => "api/v2004QueryTimeCards", //This passed in commmand means query time cards records. We may have add or modify command later.
"companyId" => "xxxx", //Find your "Company ID" in company setting page.
"developerToken" => "xxxx", //Find "Developer Token" in reports page with admin account
"nextRecord" => "0", //Default to "0". If >"0" means query the left data when there are more than 5k records available.
"dateTimeFrom" => "2022-05-01 00:00:00", //From Date Time format: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
"dateTimeTo" => "2022-05-15 23:59:59", //To Date Time format: 0000-00-00 00:00:00
"userFullName" => "xxxx", //sample: Elon Musk; For all users, use "ALL USERS" or ""
"departmentName" => "xxxx" //sample: HR Department; For all departments, use "ALL DEPARTMENTS",or ""

$data = json_encode($param);

$postdata=str_replace("\\/", "/", $data);
list($return_code, $return_content) = http_post_data($url, $postdata);


function http_post_data($url, $data_string) {

$ch = curl_init();

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data_string);

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(

"Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8",

"Content-Length: " . strlen($data_string))




$return_content = ob_get_contents();


$return_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

return array($return_code, $return_content);


Sample returned data in JSON:

  "statusCode": "SUCCESS", //ERROR
  "message": "", //Company ID not found. Developer token is not correct. User Full Name not found. Department Name not found.
  "nextRecord": "-1", //if ="-1", means no more data left, otherwise please query left data from this number.
      "userFullName": "Elon Musk",
      "employeeNumber": "12345",
      "userName": "elonmusk",
      "digitId": "123456",
      "inDateTime": "2021-05-27 08:49:00", //clock in date time or start date time
      "outDateTime": "2021-05-27 18:35:00", //clock out time //not applicable = 0000-00-00 00:00:00
      "hours": "0.000", //not applicable if entryType=0 (job)
      "entryType":0, //0=job; 1=pto, 2=addition adjustment, 3=deduction adjustment
      "jobName": "job 1",
      "ptoName": "vacation",
      "shiftName": "day shift",
      "employeeNote": "",
      "employeeNoteIsRead": "",
      "managerComment": "",
      "managerCommentIsRead": "",
      "inIp": "",
      "outIp": "",
      "inDeviceId": "",
      "outDeviceId": "",
      "inWifiId": "",
      "outWifiId": "",
      "inLatitude": "",
      "inLongitude": "",
      "outLatitude": "",
      "outLongitude": "",
      "entranceIn": "",
      "entranceOut: "",
      "approvedByEmployee": 0; //0=NO, 1=YES
      "approvedManagerFullName": "", //empty means not approved yet
      "createdDateTime": "2021-05-27 08:49:00" //our server time, record first created. Amazon.com aws North Virginia.
      //other records the same format.

Where to find Developer Token: