
Which Type of Attendance System is Suitable for Freelancers?

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Which Type of Attendance System is Suitable for Freelancers?

Dec, 2023

As a freelancer, tracking your work hours and managing your schedule can be a challenge. Unlike a traditional 9-5 office job, your work hours are flexible and irregular. You may work different hours each day or week depending on your projects and deadlines. So how do you keep track of your time and attendance as a freelancer? What type of attendance system works best for the flexible freelance lifestyle?

In this blog post, we'll explore the options freelancers have for tracking their work hours and managing their schedule. We'll look at the pros and cons of different types of attendance systems and time tracking methods to help you determine what would work best for your freelance business.

The Importance of Tracking Time as a Freelancer

Before we dive into the types of attendance systems, let's first look at why time tracking is important for freelancers:

  • Bill clients accurately - With detailed time logs, you can bill clients precisely based on the hours worked. This ensures you get paid fairly for your time.
  • Track project profitability - Understanding how much time you're spending on each project helps you determine your true hourly rate and profit margins.
  • Schedule your time wisely - Analyzing your time logs can reveal when you're most productive so you can plan your days accordingly.
  • Improve efficiency - Knowing where your time goes allows you to identify areas to streamline your workflows and use your time more efficiently.
  • Maintain work-life balance - Monitoring your working hours helps prevent burnout by ensuring you take adequate time off.

So time tracking is clearly vital. But with the flexible freelance work style, what's the best way to do it?

Types of Attendance Systems for Freelancers

Here are some of the most popular options freelancers use to track their time and schedule:

Time Tracking Apps

Time tracking apps allow you to manually log your work hours on a daily or hourly basis. Popular examples include:

  • Toggl - A simple timer-based app for tracking time across projects. Has reporting features to visualize where your time goes.
  • Harvest - Tracks time and expenses and integrates with projects and invoices. Has both desktop and mobile apps.
  • Toggle - A time tracking app with automatic idle detection, reminders, and productivity analytics.
  • Hours - Focuses on simplicity and clean design. Automatically tracks activity so you don't have to start/stop timers.

The advantage of time tracking apps is you have flexibility in when and how you log your time. You can track time as you work on projects, add time logs retroactively, edit incorrect entries, categorize hours across clients/projects, and generate reports.

The main downside is you have to remember to manually start and stop timers or add entries. Forgetting to track your hours can lead to inaccurate billing and project data.

Productivity Trackers

Productivity trackers monitor what programs and websites you're actively using so you get an automatic picture of how you spend your time on your computer. Some examples include:

  • RescueTime - Tracks time spent on apps and websites. Has productivity metrics and detailed reports on usage.
  • Time Doctor - Records activity including apps used, websites visited, and keyboard/mouse activity. Can integrate with payroll systems.
  • Hubstaff - Monitors activity levels, apps and URLs visited, and locates worked-from addresses. Has screenshot and reporting features.

The main appeal of productivity trackers is you don't have to manually record your computer usage - it happens automatically in the background. The downside is they only capture computer activity, not real-world tasks. And the tracking can feel invasive to some.

Project Management Tools

Project management systems like Asana and Trello aren't strictly attendance trackers, but they do allow you to log time spent on tasks and projects. By assigning time estimates and recording time logs as you work, you can track attendance within your existing project workflows.

The main pros are you don't need a separate tool just for time tracking. And seeing time logs alongside projects provides helpful context. But it does require discipline to actively record time rather than just managing projects.

Calendar Apps

Calendar and scheduling apps like Google Calendar, Fantastical, or Calendly don't offer time tracking either. But some freelancers use them together with productivity trackers to schedule their days in advance and then review what actually happened.

The combined advantages are scheduling your ideal workdays ahead of time while still getting data on how you actually spend your hours. But double-entry of your activities is required.

Manual Spreadsheets

For freelancers who prefer a simple, low-tech option, a DIY spreadsheet can also work. Just create a template with columns for date, start/end times per task, project details, and notes. Fill it in manually each day or week.

The benefit is you're not dependent on any app. But the lack of automation means tracking hours this way requires the most discipline and is prone to human error or neglected entries.

Key Factors to Consider

When choosing the right time tracking approach for your freelance schedule, here are some important factors to consider:

  • Your workflow - Pick a system that integrates naturally into your existing work habits and style.
  • Flexibility - The system should flex to accommodate your variable daily schedules and frequent context switching.
  • Automation - Look for trackers that auto-capture activity to avoid relying on manual entry.
  • Reporting - Time logs are most useful if you can generate reports on projects, clients, tasks, etc.
  • Integration - Seek trackers that sync with your other tools like accounting, project management, etc.
  • Privacy - Ensure any automatic tracking discloses what's monitored and allows you to disable tracking.

Take some time to evaluate your needs and freelance working style. Test different options to see what system seems the least disruptive to your existing flow while still capturing accurate time data.

Time Tracking Tips for Freelancers

Once you've chosen the attendance system that best fits your freelance work, here are some tips to help you use it effectively:

  • Track time daily if possible - For most accurate logs, track throughout the day rather than retroactively.
  • Categorize activities - Use tags or labels to group time across clients, projects, and task types.
  • Record notes - Add brief notes for context on how you spend time to inform future work estimates.
  • Set reminders - Use alarms or browser plugins to remind you to start/stop timers or add entries.
  • Revisit reports frequently - Analyze your logs often to identify workflow improvements and adjustments needed.
  • Automate where possible - Use IFTTT recipes or Zapier to automatically move time entries across tools.
  • Be honest - Don't inflate or misrepresent your hours. Accurate data leads to better business decisions.
  • Make adjustments - If your initial system isn't working, don't be afraid to try different approaches until you find the right fit.

With some trial and error, you'll discover the time tracking routines and tools that best suit your individual needs as a freelancer. And having greater visibility into how you spend your days will help you become more productive and profitable.


Tracking your work hours is crucial as a freelancer to bill accurately, analyze your productivity, and prevent burnout. But finding an attendance system that works smoothly with the unpredictable freelance lifestyle can be a challenge. The options range from manual time tracking apps to automatic productivity monitors to integrated project management systems.

The right choice depends on your specific needs and work style. Focus on finding a system that requires minimal manual input but still provides detailed analytics on how you spend your time across different clients and projects. Syncing your time tracking tool with the rest of your workflow is also key.

Experiment with different options until you land on a solution that feels like less of a chore and more of a natural part of your process. Consistently logging your hours will pay off with better business insights, improved productivity, and greater peace of mind that your hard work is being tracked. With some effort, you can implement an attendance system as a freelancer that you’ll actually use consistently while taking full advantage of the freedoms of freelancing.

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Ready to use Open Time Clock?

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Open Time Clock is a powerful and user-friendly online time clock software designed for businesses of all sizes. It offers a comprehensive set of features to effectively manage employee time and attendance. With real-time tracking capabilities, employers can monitor employee hours from anywhere, whether in the office or on the go. The system supports various functionalities such as timesheet management, payroll automation, project tracking, and scheduling. It includes advanced features like geofencing, facial recognition, and GPS tracking to ensure accurate attendance records and prevent time fraud. Open Time Clock provides secure data storage, reliable performance, and flexible access options via desktop, mobile devices, and browsers. With its intuitive interface and extensive reporting capabilities, businesses can streamline their time management processes and enhance productivity. Sign Up Now!