
Which Type of Attendance System is Best for Consulting Firms?

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Which Type of Attendance System is Best for Consulting Firms?

Dec, 2023

For consulting firms, tracking employee attendance and hours worked is crucial for payroll, client billing, and project management. With employees often working remotely or at client sites, choosing the right attendance system can be a challenge. In this blog post, we'll explore the pros and cons of different attendance system options for consulting firms and make recommendations on which types may work best.

Key Factors to Consider

When evaluating attendance systems, consulting firms should keep the following factors in mind:

  • Accuracy - The system needs to precisely record when employees start and stop work, especially for client billing purposes.
  • Flexibility - Employees may work remotely, at the office, at client sites, or a combination. The system needs to handle diverse work arrangements.
  • Mobile Access - Employees should be able to record attendance from anywhere via mobile apps or web interfaces.
  • Integration - The system should integrate with payroll, project management, and other software used by the firm.
  • Reporting - Robust reporting is essential for tracking billable hours by client and project.
  • Budget - Consulting firms have limits on what they can spend on an attendance system based on their size and revenue.

Biometric Attendance Systems

Biometric attendance systems use fingerprint, face, iris or voice recognition to identify employees. Here are the pros and cons for consulting firms:


  • High Accuracy - Biometric systems offer the most precise way to record when employees start and end work.
  • Prevent Buddy Punching - The built-in identification prevents the practice of coworkers punching in for one another.
  • Seamless Integration - Most systems integrate with payroll software and have APIs for connecting to other systems.


  • High Cost - Biometric systems require specialized hardware which can be expensive, especially for smaller firms.
  • Limited Mobility - The physical devices are office-based, making it hard to record offsite attendance.
  • Learning Curve - Employees require training to use biometric systems effectively.

Overall, biometric systems are most suitable for large consulting firms with the budgets to implement the required infrastructure firm-wide. The high accuracy is ideal for stringent client billing needs. However, the lack of mobility makes biometrics a poor fit for consultants constantly working at client sites.

Proximity Card Systems

Proximity card systems require employees to tap a card or fob at a reading device when arriving at or leaving work. Let's look at the key pros and cons:


  • Low Cost - Proximity cards and readers are relatively inexpensive to roll out across multiple offices.
  • Easy to Use - Employees just tap their card each time they start or end work.
  • Office-Based - The fixed readers make proximity cards ideal for shared office environments.


  • Limited Mobility - Employees can only tap in at readers in the office, not at client sites or remotely.
  • Manual Data Entry - Offsite time must be entered manually, which can lead to errors.
  • Clocking for Others - Does not prevent buddy punching without extra supervision.

Proximity card systems work best for consulting firms focused on office-based work. The low cost makes rolling out cards and readers affordable, but mobility is limited. Buddy punching risks also require oversight.

Web & Mobile Apps

Cloud-based attendance systems accessed via web browsers or mobile apps allow employees to record hours from anywhere. Here are the main pros and cons for consulting firms:


  • High Mobility - Employees can clock in and out from any location with internet access.
  • Low Cost - No upfront hardware investment is required, just a monthly per user fee.
  • Easy to Use - Most apps provide straightforward interfaces for clocking time.
  • Geotracking - Apps can GPS verify attendance locations, preventing false entries.


  • Data Entry Errors - Manual time logging from any location can lead to inaccurate entries.
  • Internet Access Required - If offline, employees can't clock in or out until connection is restored.
  • Potential Clocking Issues - Apps rely on employee diligence to track all time accurately.

Web and mobile apps provide the best overall attendance tracking solution for most consulting firms. The flexibility to clock in from any site combined with low costs outweigh the potential data entry challenges. However, firms should still supplement with random management audits.

Recommendations for Consulting Firms

After reviewing the various options, here are my recommendations on attendance systems for consulting firms:

  • Use web and mobile apps as the core system - This provides the optimal mix of flexibility, affordability, and mobility.
  • Supplement with office proximity readers - Installing tap-in/tap-out readers at all permanent office locations provides an extra layer of accuracy and oversight for when employees are office-based.
  • Conduct random manager audits - Periodic checks of reported hours against actual work activities helps keep time reporting honest, especially for higher billable rates.
  • Train all employees thoroughly - Take time to train the entire staff on proper use of the system to maximize compliance.
  • Integrate apps with other software - Leverage open APIs to connect the attendance system data with payroll, billing, project management, and other software to maximize automation.

By combining the flexibility of mobile apps with proximity controls and managerial oversight, consulting firms can likely find the right balance of mobility, accuracy and affordability in an attendance tracking system.

The key is determining the specific pain points around attendance within your organization and then selecting technologies and processes to address those needs, all while keeping costs under control. With proper planning and training, implementing a new attendance system can ultimately boost payroll accuracy, improve client billing, and enhance workforce productivity.

Addressing Common Concerns

When implementing a new attendance system, consulting firms will likely encounter concerns from management and employees. Here are some common issues and how to alleviate them:

Data Privacy Concerns

Employees may worry about privacy if their locations and work hours are being tracked by an app. This is understandable given the sensitivity of personal data. Consulting firms should be transparent on what employee data will be visible to whom within the organization. They should also choose an app vendor with strong data security provisions and minimization of sensitive data collection.

Micromanagement Worries

If employees feel their every movement is being watched, they may fear micromanagement. Managers should focus reports and compliance efforts only on core work hours. Marketing the system as a way to properly credit employees for all their hard work can help alleviate concerns.

Mobile Access Issues

A small portion of employees may lack company smartphones or struggle with mobile app usage. Consulting firms should provide training and documentation tailored to employees less comfortable with mobile technology. Desktop clock-in web alternatives should also be available in the attendance platform.

Offsite Tracking Challenges

Recording offsite work can be problematic without proper training. Employees should receive clear guidelines and examples for how to track time at client sites, airports, home offices, conferences and other remote locations. Consistent management spot checks help keep employees diligent.

Biometric Data Sharing Fears

While less likely in a consulting environment, employees may object to providing biometric data such as fingerprints or iris scans which feel invasive. Firms using biometrics should clearly communicate the restricted access and data protections on this sensitive information to put employees at ease.

Administrative Burdens

There will always be some learning curves and new administrative tasks when launching an attendance system. However, the time invested upfront in training and implementation pays dividends on the back end through improved payroll processing, stronger client billing, and enhanced workforce visibility.

With proper communication and training, consulting firms can proactively address concerns around new attendance systems. The key is ensuring employees understand the significant benefits while also having their privacy and access needs accounted for in policy and platform selection.

Best Practices for Implementation

Once a consulting firm selects an attendance tracking system, following best practices during implementation can help maximize adoption and accuracy:

Roll Out in Phases

Launch the system one department or office at a time. This allows any kinks to be worked out before company-wide deployment. Pilot groups should provide ample feedback to enhance the process.

Schedule Trainings

Conduct structured staff trainings on when and how to use the system, supplemented by user-friendly guides and online resources. Periodic refresh trainings help keep usage and compliance high.

Highlight Benefits

Communicate the advantages employees gain from the new system such as easier time tracking and the ability to verify all billable hours worked to clients.

Gamify Engagement

Consider contests or rewards for employees and departments who achieve high rates of attendance system utilization in the initial launch period to drive adoption.

Solicit Feedback

Survey end users and iterate on the system based on employee suggestions for improvements. This fosters inclusion in the rollout process.

Enforce Consistently

Apply attendance logging requirements uniformly across all employees and offices to prevent perception issues or resentment.

Audit Usage

Have managers periodically review attendance data reports and follow up with any employees showing gaps, inconsistencies or other issues.

Remain Flexible

Be open to refinements in policies and procedures as real-world usage reveals smarter ways to implement the system.

With strategic planning and execution, consulting firms can successfully launch new attendance systems and achieve widespread adoption. Following best practices while staying flexible positions organizations for maximum ROI on their attendance tracking investment.


Tracking employee attendance is a critical task for consulting firms. The right system can strengthen payroll accuracy, improve client billing processes, enhance workforce productivity and provide insights into project management.

When evaluating options, consulting firms should focus on flexibility, mobility, ease of use and integration capabilities. Cloud-based web and mobile apps provide the best platforms given the dynamic nature of consulting work across varied locations.

Supplementing these with proximity card readers in offices, managerial audits and training programs can maximize accuracy and adoption. Addressing any data privacy, learning curve or administrative concerns proactively also smooths the implementation process.

With a thoughtful approach and by following best practices, consulting firms can select and deploy attendance systems that meet their unique needs and deliver significant long-term value. The ability to precisely track employee work hours and availability ultimately benefits corporate oversight, client servicing and the bottom line.

The key is finding the right technology mix that provides visibility into the workday while still respecting employee flexibility. As attendance systems continue advancing in sophistication, they will become an even more integral component of the consulting firm tech stack.

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