Main Features

Open Time Clock is a comprehensive and feature-rich online time clock software that allows businesses to efficiently manage employee time and attendance. With real-time tracking and robust reporting capabilities, it enables businesses to monitor and analyze employee work hours, paid time off, and project time tracking. The platform supports various features such as geofencing, facial recognition, and mobile access, ensuring accurate and secure time tracking.

Open Time Clock is designed for businesses of all sizes and offers a free plan with unlimited managers and employees. It provides a reliable and user-friendly solution for businesses to streamline their time management processes, improve payroll accuracy, and enhance overall productivity. Sign Up Now!

Main Features

Face Recognition

Face Recognition in our system, we call it Face Clock (a form of biometric time clock). It recognizes an employee's face and clocks them in and out proving enhanced time tracker tools.

Barcode, RFID and QR CODE

You can print your employee's PIN (or digit ID) into the badge card. It can be in Barcode or QR CODE. You can scan it with the computer or smart device built-in camera or external scanner. We also support the RFID tag and external RFID scanner.

Web Camera Photo Stamp for Clock In/Out

You can enable the web camera photo stamp in the company setting. When the employee clocks in and out, his/her photo will be captured and store for later manager's review.

GPS and Google Map

You can set up our system to track an employee's GPS geo location. This will allow you to view their clock in/out locations on Google maps.

Simple Enough

We have been trying to simplify the system so that you and your employees can use it without any training. They don't need any computer technology background.

Job Tracking

You can track employee's hours for the job they are working on. It also calculate the cost of each job. It helps you to compare your budget, cost and know your profit.

Shift and Schedule

You can enter shift information and schedule each employee's shift. This allows you to track employees by the project. Open Time Clock also allows you to calculate who was late or leaving early.

Absence PTO and Missed hours

Employees can submit their request for missed hours and absences for shifts. Managers are able to view requests then approve or deny them.

Paid Time Off Auto Accruals

You can set the auto accrual rules for paid time off. The system will calculate an employee's balance for his/her vacation. It helps you to decide if you should approve the employee's time-off request.

Authorize Clock Points

You can define Clock Points by the clock in/out device ID, IP address, WIFI ID, GPS geo fence. And restrict employees only clock in/out from the authorized Clock Points.

Landline Telephone Dial In (Product 2004)

Employees can use any landline telephone to dial our toll free number to clock in when there is no Internet access in remote job sites.


We have more than 30 pre-defined reports in CSV & XLSX, iif, and PDF formats. If you need additional formats please let us know. We will do our best to implement it.

Multi Support Channels

16 hour support is available and free: Toll-free phone call, live chat, email and tickets.

Developer API

If you have developers, you can use our API to query data directly from our database to your own software system.

Project Time Tracking

You can access the Project Mode to track time and hours for projects and tasks. You can run reports for the client project hours billing.

Ready to use Open Time Clock?

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Open Time Clock is a powerful and user-friendly online time clock software designed for businesses of all sizes. It offers a comprehensive set of features to effectively manage employee time and attendance. With real-time tracking capabilities, employers can monitor employee hours from anywhere, whether in the office or on the go. The system supports various functionalities such as timesheet management, payroll automation, project tracking, and scheduling. It includes advanced features like geofencing, facial recognition, and GPS tracking to ensure accurate attendance records and prevent time fraud. Open Time Clock provides secure data storage, reliable performance, and flexible access options via desktop, mobile devices, and browsers. With its intuitive interface and extensive reporting capabilities, businesses can streamline their time management processes and enhance productivity. Sign Up Now!