The Simple Technique for Building Habits and Achieving Your Goals


The simplest way to build a habit is to track it. Tracking a habit helps you keep track of your progress and it can also make it easier to stay motivated and keep at it. Here's how:

The basic technique

The basic technique for building habits and achieving goals is simple:

  • Track your progress. The best way to do this is with a journal or spreadsheet, but you can also use an app like HabitBull or if you prefer digital tracking tools.
  • Focus on one goal at a time. It's tempting to try and tackle multiple goals at once (e.g., "I want to lose weight and learn how to code"), but the truth is that it's easier for our brains to focus on one thing at once than two or three things in parallel--and when we multi-task our efforts are less likely than if we were working on just one thing! So pick one big goal and put all of your energy into achieving that objective first before moving onto something else (even if there are other important things waiting).

Track your progress daily. It's important to know where you're at in relation to your goal so that you can make adjustments as needed. For example, if you're trying to lose weight and are eating 3000 calories per day but only burning 2000 calories per day through exercise, then it may be time to cut back on how much you eat or increase how much exercise you do each week.

Set realistic expectations. It's important to set goals that are attainable but not too easy. If you don't push yourself a little bit, then it's unlikely that you'll actually achieve what you want to do!

How to keep track of your habits

  • If you want to track your habits and goals, use a digital time tracker. It's easier than trying to remember what you did every hour of every day.
  • Use the same time tracker for all your habits and goals. This will make things easier when it comes time to analyze your data, because they'll all be in one place!
  • Use the same time tracker for all goals that are related--for example, if you want to lose weight and save money at the same time, then use one app instead of two separate ones so everything is organized neatly under one roof (or app).

Use the same time tracker for all habits and goals. This will make things easier when it comes time to analyze your data, because they'll all be in one place! Use the same time tracker for all goals that are related--for example, if you want to lose weight and save money at the same time, then use one app instead of two separate ones so everything is organized neatly under one roof (or app).

How to set up a simple routine

When you set out to create a new habit, it's easy to get ahead of yourself and try too much at once. You might think, "If I'm going to do this thing every day for the rest of my life, then I need to start with something huge!" But that approach won't work--at least not for very long.

Instead of trying to change everything overnight or even within one week (which is still way too fast), let's break down your goal into smaller steps that are easier and more manageable:

  • Start small: Pick one behavior from the list above that seems realistic and achievable for you right now without feeling overwhelmed by it; then just do it! For example: If you want better eating habits but aren't sure where or how often you should eat healthy foods outside of mealtime (i.e., snacks), then focus on making sure those snacks always include fruits or vegetables first before anything else--even if they're only eaten once per day at first! This way when people ask why their friend eats so many apples every day after school instead of chips like everyone else does during lunch break they'll have an answer ready because they know exactly why :)

Pick a specific time and place for your new behavior: Not only does this make it easier to remember, but it also helps you realize that you're making a commitment to yourself that can be kept. For example: If you want to eat more healthy foods throughout the day, then decide when each meal will happen (breakfast at 7am, lunch from 11-12pm and dinner at 5pm) as well as where they'll take place (kitchen counter or dining room table).

It's all about tracking your progress.

The key to building habits and achieving goals is to track your progress. Tracking your progress will help you stay motivated, because it allows you to see what is working, and what isn't.

The first step in tracking your progress is choosing a goal that has a clear end point (e.g., "I want to lose 15 pounds"). The second step is finding an easy way for yourself or others around you keep track of this goal (e.g., by writing down how much weight loss occurred each week).

The third step is to reward yourself for making progress towards your goal. This can be done with a simple "I'm awesome" or congratulatory text from a friend, or by going out for ice cream. The fourth step is to stay consistent with tracking your progress and rewards.

In order to build habits and achieve goals, you need to find an easy way to keep track of your progress. This can be done by writing down what you did each day, or by using a tool like FitBit or Apple Health. These tools allow you to track your daily activity levels (e.g., how many steps you took), weight loss (e.g., how much weight loss occurred each week), and how often you go for a run (e.g., how often did you go for runs this week).


We've covered a lot of ground in this article, but the key takeaway is that habits and goals are simple. They just require two things: repetition and consistency. That's it! The more you repeat your actions or behaviors over time, the more likely they will become automatic in your life--and the more consistent you are with them (i.e., not skipping days here and there), the more likely those habits will stick around long term too.

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Video Script:

Good morning everyone! Today I'm here to talk about how to build good habits. Habits are essential for our day-to-day lives, and they can be hard to form. But don't worry, there are a few simple techniques that can help you build and keep good habits.

First, choose your habit with intention. Think about what it is you want to do and why it's important to you. This will help you stay motivated when forming the habit.

Second, phrase the habit clearly. It's important to have a clear goal in mind so that you know exactly what it is that you're trying to achieve.

Third, start small and easy. Don't try to tackle too much at once or else you may get overwhelmed and give up on your goal altogether. Start with something manageable and then gradually increase the difficulty as you go along.

Fourth, stack your habits. Try tying new habits into existing ones so that they become part of your routine more easily. For example, if you want to start meditating every morning, try doing it right after brushing your teeth or making coffee – something that's already part of your daily routine.

Fifth, break habits into chunks if necessary. If a habit seems too daunting or overwhelming at first glance, break it down into smaller tasks that are easier to manage and complete one step at a time until the whole task is done.

Sixth, block regular times on your calendar for practicing the behavior you want to build into a habit. This will help ensure that you actually make time for it instead of putting it off until later or forgetting about it altogether.

Finally, view your goal as an obligation rather than an option – this will help keep you accountable and motivated even when things get tough or boring!

These are just some of the techniques for building good habits – there are many more out there! So don't be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you! Good luck!

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