The 12 Worst Motivation Tips Everyone Follows (and What to Do Instead)

1. Introduction

When it comes to motivation, there are a lot of different approaches that people take. Some people are very driven and disciplined, while others struggle to find the motivation to do anything at all.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to motivation – what works for one person may not work for another. However, there are some motivational techniques that are more likely to be effective than others.

In this article, we will discuss the 12 worst motivation tips that everyone follows – and what you can do instead to achieve your goals.

2. Why are these tips bad?

The biggest problem with following these misguided motivational tips is that they often do more harm than good. They may give you a brief burst of motivation that dissipates quickly and does not lead to sustained progress.

Moreover, many of these tips focus on short-term rewards at the expense of long-term progress. They are more likely to lead to burnout and frustration than to happiness and success.

For example, telling yourself “Just do it!” may seem like a great way to get motivated, but it’s unlikely to give you the focus and clarity you need to make progress. Similarly, pursuing perfection may seem like a great idea, but it can quickly lead to an unhealthy obsession with achieving perfect results, which can take the joy out of any task.

3. What should you do instead?

Rather than following ineffective motivation tips like “Just do it,” it’s much more productive to focus on sustainable strategies that will help you stay motivated and make steady progress towards your goals.

Here are a few tips for staying motivated without jeopardizing your wellbeing:

1. Set realistic goals: Establish SMART goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.

2. Track your progress: Being able to track your progress is a powerful source of motivation. Keeping a log or journal can help you stay motivated by giving you a concrete record of progress.

3. Reward yourself: Rewards can serve as helpful motivators, so long as they are meaningful and appropriate. For example, you might reward yourself with a treat after you hit a milestone or achieve a goal.

4. Find accountability partners: Having accountability partners or a support group can give you the motivation you need to stay on track. Being accountable to someone else can motivate you to stay on track and finish what you started.

Finally, remember that motivation comes from within. It’s important to take care of yourself and focus on the things that really matter, like your health and your relationships. With the right mindset, you can stay motivated and remain productive for the long haul.

4. #1: Only do what you love

As great as it is to focus on what you love to do and find motivation from within, oftentimes it can be hard to break away from tasks that you don’t enjoy and don’t add value to your long-term goals.

When it comes to choosing between tasks, always consider if it will add value to your long-term goals and if it brings you joy. That is a surefire way of staying on track and avoiding burnout.

It’s perfectly okay to say no to tasks that don’t move you closer to your goals, even if they’re difficult. Instead, focus on the things that make your heart sing.

By proactively choosing to take on tasks that you are passionate about and that bring you joy, you are more likely to stay motivated and remain productive for the long haul. Plus, you’ll actually get closer to your goals!

5. #2: Find what you’re passionate about

Doing something you're passionate about is a great way to stay motivated and reward yourself every day. It could be anything from playing a musical instrument to working out or reading a book.

When finding something you’re passionate about, it’s important to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. Ask yourself questions like: What do I enjoy doing? What brings me the most joy? What activities do I wish I had more time for?

As you identify your passions, start budgeting your time to incorporate more of them in your daily life. Just 15 minutes a day to stay connected with your hobbies can do wonders for your physical and mental health. It can be a great way to break up the day, make you more productive, and reconnect with activities that bring you joy.

Having a passion doesn’t always mean you have to pursue a career in it. It could just mean that it’s something you enjoy exploring for the sake of learning or for creative expression. You don’t have to be an “expert” in something to have a passion for it. But it can be a great way to show your creative side and find motivation in the things you love to do.

6. #3: Figure out what you want

Figuring out what you want is a great motivation tip. It helps to decide what you want to achieve and how you will get there. Knowing what you want gives you the focus and motivation to stay the course.

This is not just a short-term goal setting tip; it’s a bigger picture strategy. Ask yourself questions like “What do I want to do with my life?” or “What type of career do I want to have?”. Take the time to set SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound) goals that are aligned with what you want.

The key to staying motivated is to stay focused. Write down your objectives and create an action plan that focuses on the specific steps you need to take to reach your desired outcome. Visualize success and stay positive – if you can dream it, you can achieve it.

Don’t be afraid to break rules, challenge the status quo and think outside the box. Yes, it will require you to go above and beyond, but it’s the only way to reach the heights of success. Keep your eyes on the prize and stay motivated. Put in the hard work, build on your successes and be resilient.

7. #4: Discover your purpose

Discovering your purpose is key to staying motivated and reaching lasting success. Having a higher purpose for achieving your goals will provide clarity, focus, and direction. It is important to ask yourself “why” you want to achieve your goal and work hard to find the answer.

Your purpose is the “why” behind your ambition and passion. It should come from a deeper, more meaningful place than just professional or material success. It is more than just a goal – it is your reason for being.

Start by deciding your core values. Then, focus on how your are living up to these values. Are you living a life of purpose? Is what you are doing fulfilling and meaningful? Describe what you wish to achieve and become in the next five years. Doing this will help you to uncover the answers to the greater questions like “who are you?” and “what kind of life do you want to lead?”

Take your answers seriously and use them to elevate your goals. Keep them in sight, review them often and believe that you can reach your purpose. Remember, you are the master of your own destiny – and you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

8. #5: Set goals that inspire you

Setting goals that inspire you is essential to staying motivated and achieving long-term success. Goals give you something to work towards and provide a sense of direction. Your goals should be specific, measurable and attainable, and most importantly, they should ignite passion and excitement in you.

Think about the things that will make you feel the most inspired. It could be anything from writing a book to volunteering in a local charity. It is important to make sure your goals align with your core values and purpose. You should choose goals that make you excited and challenge you to be better.

Also, try to make sure that your goals are realistic and achievable. This will help you stay motivated and encouraged to keep going. Re-evaluate your goals from time to time to make sure that they still inspire you, and make changes if necessary. By setting inspiring goals, you will be more likely to stay motivated as you work towards achieving them.

9. #6: Create a vision board

When it comes to setting and achieving goals, creating a vision board can be an incredibly powerful tool. A vision board is a visual representation of what you would like to achieve. It is a collection of words, images, and objects carefully arranged to represent your ambitions.

Creating a vision board can help you stay motivated and inspired by giving you a constant reminder of your goals and dreams. It also helps to promote positive thinking and remind you of your successes.

When you create your vision board, make sure to include images and words that spark joy, inspire you, and are closely aligned with your goals. Spend time with your vision board every day, so it can continue to be a source of motivation and inspiration. Over time, you will begin to take action and make progress towards achieving your goals.

10. #7: Change your mindset

#7: Change your mindset.

If you want to succeed and reach your goals, then you can't do it without changing your mindset. Your mindset is your inner world, your internal dialogue and the way you think about yourself. The thoughts in your head greatly influence how you approach success, failure, and your ability to achieve your goals.

To become motivated and driven, you must learn to adopt a growth mindset. This means having an open-minded and positive attitude towards failure and continuously challenging yourself to become better. It also means focusing on your successes and learning from your mistakes.

Start encouraging yourself by thinking positive and affirming thoughts. Celebrate your successes, regardless of how small they may be. And lastly, never be afraid to take risks — if you don’t, you’ll never know what you’re truly capable of achieving.

11. #8: Be grateful for what you have

#8: Be grateful for what you have.

Being grateful is more than just saying thank you to someone who has done something nice. It is about taking the time to appreciate what you have and seeing the beauty in it. Gratitude can increase motivation and help you achieve your goals.

Whenever you’re feeling down or unmotivated, take the time to be grateful for the good things in your life. This could be your health, family, friends, or any other things that make your life special. Acknowledging all the good things you have will give you the boost of motivation you need.

Cultivating gratitude is a powerful tool for self-motivation, and it should become a regular part of your self-care routine. Express yourself in a way that feels natural to you — whether this is writing down what you’re grateful for, saying a prayer of thanks, or simply taking a few moments to think about how fortunate you are.

12. #9: Surround yourself with positive people

#9: Surround yourself with positive people.

Surrounding yourself with people who have a positive attitude will help you stay motivated and upbeat. The support and encouragement of others can make all the difference in whether or not you stay focused on achieving your goals.

Find or create a support network that consists of people who can provide you with encouragement and constructive criticism. This could be mentors, friends, family, or even professional networks. Spend time with people who will inspire you and believe in you, no matter what.

It’s also important to recognize that not all of the people in your life may be helpful to your goals. Don’t be afraid to make changes if a person isn’t having a positive influence — even if it feels like a difficult decision. Prioritize people who will build you up and help you stay positive and motivated.

13. #10: Take care of your body

#10: Take care of your body.

It can be hard to stay motivated when you're feeling sluggish or sick. To help maintain a positive mindset, make sure you're taking care of your physical and mental health. This may include getting enough rest, eating well-balanced meals, and exercising.

An important but often overlooked aspect of maintaining health involves managing stress levels. Practice relaxation techniques if you're feeling overwhelmed and don't be afraid to take a break if you need it.

You should also make sure to take breaks and vacation time elsewhere. Getting away from it all and being able to focus on yourself can help refresh your motivation. Just make sure you plan for the time off and have a positive plan for the break. That way, you can come back to your work confident, recharged, and ready to tackle the next challenge.

14. #11: Read motivational

Reading motivational tips – quotes, articles, or books – can be great for inspiring you on your journey. Reading stories about other people overcoming obstacles or achieving great things can give you the courage to take on the same challenges you might be facing.

When reading, make sure to focus on material that is relevant to you. When you take the time to read something that is meaningful to you, it will be more helpful in inspiring and motivating you. Also, make sure to find the balance between reading and applying. It's all well and good to read these tips and stories, but if you don't apply them to your life, you won't get the intended result.

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