With Open Time Clock's reporting features, businesses can generate reports on employee time and attendance, helping them make informed decisions about scheduling and payroll.


When it comes to managing employee time and attendance, businesses need a way to track the hours their employees are working at any given moment. Open Time Clock's reporting features help businesses keep track of this important information by generating payroll reports instantly and providing insights into overtime pay, tax payments, and deductions.

Track time and attendance in real-time

Time and attendance software is used to track employees' time. Tracking employee time is important for payroll, scheduling, billing and productivity. It's also useful for compliance with federal regulations like the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) which requires employers to keep detailed records of employee hours worked each day.

Time tracking applications can be used to measure how much time an employee spends on each task or project in order to improve performance and productivity. This information can help managers prioritize tasks based on their importance relative to other work items being completed by other members within an organization's workforce; this helps ensure that all necessary functions are getting done while still allowing staffers some flexibility over what they choose do with their day-to-day duties as long as those responsibilities are covered sufficiently enough during any given week spent working alongside one another

Record overtime and other time worked

To record overtime, click on the clock icon in the upper right-hand corner of your screen and select "Time Logs." A new window will open with a list of all employees' names as well as their current time and location (if they're away from their desk).

To record non-exempt employees who are working outside of normal business hours:

  • Click on an employee's name to see their details page.
  • Click "Start" on this page if you want to start tracking their hours now, or click "Stop" if you don't want to track them anymore today (or ever again).

Generate payroll reports instantly

When you generate a payroll report, it includes all of the information that is needed to fill out your employees' paychecks. The report shows:

  • Employee Name
  • Timecard ID
  • Hours Worked (including overtime)
  • Gross Pay Based on Hours Worked

Generate reports for tax payments and deductions

To generate reports for tax payments and deductions, you'll need to create a new report. To do this, click on the "Reports" tab at the top of your screen and then select "New Report." The following window will appear:

  • Name: Enter a name for your new report. This can be anything that you want it to be; however, we recommend using something descriptive so that it will be easy for others in your organization or company to understand what each report does when they see them listed in Open Time Clock's main menu bar.
  • Start Date & End Date: Select dates from which data will be collected (for example, January 1st through December 31st). This is important because it determines when employees' time sheets were submitted--and therefore affects how long ago those employees worked!

Open Time Clock's reporting features help businesses gain insight into their employees' work schedules so they can better manage their workforce.

Reporting features help businesses make informed decisions about their workforce. With Open Time Clock, you can generate reports on employee time and attendance, helping you better manage your staff.

You can also use reporting features to:

  • Make payroll decisions based on historical data.
  • Generate reports for tax payments and deductions so that employees don't have to do it themselves (and get it wrong).


Open Time Clock's reporting features help businesses gain insight into their employees' work schedules so they can better manage their workforce. We believe that this is a valuable tool for any company looking to improve their HR practices and save time on tedious tasks like payroll.

For any question, please contact us in OpenTimeClock.com. https://www.opentimeclock.com.

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