Web camera and face recognition are supported to prevent unauthorized access to the platform.


Open Time Clock is a time tracking app that makes it easy for you to create projects, assign tasks and track the hours worked by each of your employees. The system provides password protection, so that only authorized users can access the web app. Employees can clock in and out from their Apple or Android tablets or smart phones. Clocking in on a mobile device also enables GPS tracking of your worker's location while they are working. Open Time Clock allows you to set up rules for when employees can and cannot clock in or out. For example, if an employee is sick, he or she can clock in at home using their phone and then tell the system that they were not on site during work hours. The system will automatically calculate the number of hours worked based on this information

Open Time Clock is an enterprise time tracking tool for managing employee time, attendance and projects.

Open Time Clock is an enterprise time tracking tool for managing employee time, attendance and projects.

It's an online service that allows you to track the hours worked by your employees. You can also use it to track project costs and employee productivity.

Open Time Clock provides password protection, so that only authorized users can access the web app.

Open Time Clock provides password protection, so that only authorized users can access the web app. This is to ensure that employees cannot clock in or out for each other and will not be able to view payroll information.

Employees can clock in and out from their Apple or Android tablets or smart phones.

Employees can clock in and out from their Apple or Android tablets or smart phones.

Employees can also use an employee card reader to clock in and out.

Clocking in on a mobile device also enables GPS tracking of your worker's location while they are working.

You can also use the clock-in/out feature on your mobile device to track an employee's location, which is useful for ensuring that they are being paid for all hours worked.

This is especially important if you have employees who work outside of your office or at multiple locations. When an employee clocks in, they are prompted to enter their current location so that the platform knows where to send them tasks. If this information isn't provided, you may not know where your worker is working and won't be able to verify whether or not they're eligible for payment.

Open Time Clock allows you to set up rules for when employees can and cannot clock in or out.

Open Time Clock allows you to set up rules for when employees can and cannot clock in or out. This feature is especially useful if you have employees who work different shifts on different days of the week, but also want to ensure that they're not clocking in at midnight on weekends.

You can set up rules by time of day (e.g., no one may clock in after 5:00pm), or by date (e.g., no one may clock in between Christmas Eve and New Year's Day).

For example, if an employee is sick, he or she can clock in at home using their phone and then tell the system that they were not on site during work hours.

For example, if an employee is sick, he or she can clock in at home using their phone and then tell the system that they were not on site during work hours. The system will automatically calculate the number of hours worked based on this information and provide a report to the manager. The employee's manager can then approve or reject the time entry. If approved, the time is automatically added to their timesheet so they can keep track of it easily throughout their shift.

The system will automatically calculate the number of hours worked based on this information.

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Open Time Clock is a great tool for managing your employee's time and attendance. The system is easy to use, so even employees without much computer experience will be able to clock in and out from their phones or tablets.

For any question, please contact us in OpenTimeClock.com. https://www.opentimeclock.com.

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