Time Tracking Software is a tool used to monitor employee productivity and track the time spent on specific tasks or projects.


Time tracking software is used to monitor employee productivity and track the time spent on specific tasks or projects. It can be used for various purposes like payroll, employee performance evaluation, and project management. There are several different types of time tracking software available online which makes it difficult to choose one. In this article we will discuss benefits of using time tracking software along with some basic criteria that should help you pick the right one for your business needs.


Time tracking software is a tool used to monitor employee productivity and track the time spent on specific tasks or projects. Time tracking software can help you to improve productivity, efficiency and your bottom line by:

  • providing better visibility into where your employees are spending their time
  • reducing the time spent on administrative tasks associated with payroll processing (e.g., calculating pay rates)


Time tracking software has several benefits, including:

  • Helps employees keep track of their work hours. If you have an employee who is not logging his or her time correctly, it's difficult for managers to track and manage the productivity of that employee. Time tracking software can help by allowing employees to enter data into a spreadsheet or other program at the end of each day so that managers can see where they are spending their time. This information can also be used as evidence when employees dispute their paychecks or other forms of compensation (like vacation days).
  • Allows employees to see where they are spending their time. By looking at how much time they spend on different tasks during each week, an employee may realize that some tasks are taking longer than expected; this could lead them to seek out new methods for completing those tasks more efficiently in order to save both money and effort over time!

What to look for in time tracking software

When you're looking for time tracking software, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, what features do you need? Do you want to track employee hours and projects or just projects? Is it important that the software integrate with other programs like payroll or accounting software? How many employees will be using the program and how often do they work in shifts (or not at all)? Second, how much time do you want to spend on setup and training? If an easy-to-use interface is important to you, consider whether any of the options look like something that could be used by someone with no previous experience using computers or apps.

Time tracking software comparison

If you're looking to purchase time tracking software, here are some features to consider:

  • Freemium vs subscription. Free versions of time tracking apps tend to have fewer features than paid ones, but they can still be useful if you're just getting started with the software and want to test it out before making a commitment.
  • Cloud vs local installation. When it comes to cloud-based services versus those that run on your computer, there are benefits and drawbacks for both options; however, we recommend using cloud-based solutions because they're easier than installing software on all of your employees' computers (and they don't require any additional hardware).
  • Security concerns should be top-of-mind when selecting a time tracking solution--especially if sensitive information is being tracked or stored in this system! Make sure that whatever solution you choose has tight security measures in place so that no unauthorized parties can access sensitive data or manipulate records without permission from management/ownership groups within organizations using these systems."

Time tracking helps employees keep track of their work hours.

Time tracking is a way to keep track of your work hours. It can be used as a way to measure productivity, or it can simply be used as a tool that helps you see where you are spending your time. Time tracking can also help you see how much time you are wasting by looking at what tasks take up the most time, which ones need improvement, and if there is anything else that needs doing.


Time tracking software is a great tool for both employers and employees. It helps you track your time, as well as see how much time is spent on different projects or tasks. Time tracking software can also be used by freelancers who want to keep track of their work hours so they know how much money they should be paid by clients at the end of each week or month.

For any question, please contact us in OpenTimeClock.com. https://www.opentimeclock.com.

Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: News and information about help authoring tools and software