The platform's scheduling tools make it easy for businesses to create and manage employee schedules, reducing scheduling conflicts.


Open Time Clock is flexible enough that it can be used by businesses of any size. It comes with a variety of scheduling tools that make it easy to create and manage employee schedules, reducing scheduling conflicts and helping you save time and money. With the open-source nature of the platform, you can customize your software to fit your business's needs.

You can create full-time, part-time and temporary employees.

You can create full-time, part-time and temporary employees.

Full-time employees are hired on a regular basis with set hours each week. Part-time employees have flexible schedules that may vary from week to week or month to month. Temporary workers are typically brought in for specific projects or to fill in during peak seasons when there's more work than usual.

Shift templates allow you to customize your schedule creation process by creating shift types that reflect your business needs. For example: if you run an ice cream shop where all of your employees work either morning shifts or evening shifts but never both at once; then you can create two separate "shift types"--morning shift and evening shift--and assign them accordingly depending on what type of work needs done at each time period throughout the day (i.e., opening vs closing).

Create shift templates that can be customized to your business needs.

Shift templates are the starting point for creating new shifts. They can be used to create schedules that fit the needs of your business, such as:

  • Different types of businesses (e.g., restaurants or retail stores)
  • Different types of employees (e.g., managers vs. hourly workers)
  • Different types of shifts (e.g., day shift vs night shift).

Automatic scheduling tools will help you manage the schedule conflicts and minimize overtime costs.

Schedule conflicts are a common problem in many businesses. Employees often have conflicting schedules, and this can lead to overtime costs and scheduling problems. The best way to avoid these issues is by using automated scheduling tools that will help you manage the schedule conflicts and minimize overtime costs.

With Automatic Scheduling, you can use the system to schedule employee time off requests so that you don't need any additional staff members during those times of high demand. For example: If your restaurant gets more customers during lunchtime than at dinner time, then it would be beneficial for you if all of your servers took their lunch breaks at different times throughout the day rather than all together at once (which would mean that one server wouldn't be able to handle all of those tables).

The system is easy to use and gives you access to all employee schedules in one place.

The system is easy to use and gives you access to all employee schedules in one place. You can see who is working when, who is on vacation and who is sick. It's also simple for employees to create new shifts with a click of a button or drag-and-drop schedule options.

You can adjust employee schedules based on their availability and skill level, making sure your staff works at peak productivity.

You can adjust employee schedules based on their availability and skill level, making sure your staff works at peak productivity.

To help you manage employee schedules, we've created the following features:

  • Scheduling by Availability - Employees can choose a schedule that best fits their personal needs. This helps ensure that more people get to work when they want to, which in turn increases engagement among your workforce.
  • Skill-Based Assignments - Advancements in technology have enabled us to automatically match employees with tasks based on their skillset and experience level--which means less wasted time training new hires who may not be qualified for certain jobs (and more time spent focusing on projects that require specialized knowledge).

Open Time Clock's powerful scheduling features make it a great option for managing employee time off requests, too.

The platform's scheduling tools make it easy for businesses to create and manage employee schedules, reducing scheduling conflicts.

Open Time Clock also offers powerful features that let you manage time off requests from employees. With Open Time Clock, you can:

  • Create shifts that include specific start times and end times for each shift. You can assign these shifts to employees so they know when their next shift is scheduled or open up the schedule for them to fill themselves if you want them to pick their own shifts (or swap out with coworkers).
  • Let employees request time off by department or individual worker name--and then approve those requests as needed! This makes it easy for employees who need days off work during certain weeks because they have doctor's appointments or other commitments.


Open Time Clock's powerful scheduling features make it a great option for managing employee time off requests, too. The system can help you keep track of when your employees are available to work and will automatically generate schedules based on their availability. This means that no matter how many people request time off or whether they have shifts on different days, Open Time Clock can create an optimized schedule for everyone involved so that nobody gets left out!

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