The platform's GPS zone restriction feature ensures that employees can only punch in and out from authorized locations.


Whether you're managing employees in a factory, office or retail environment, it's important that they're only allowed to punch in and out from authorized locations. This prevents unauthorized time-keeping errors and ensures that your business is compliant with labor laws. To help you manage this aspect of your workforce better, Punchclock has created the GPS zone restriction feature. This feature works by checking the employee's current location against a set of predefined GPS zones. If the worker is in one of these zones, the punch-in or punch-out occurs as expected. If not, a notification will be sent to the administrator alerting them to the breach

This feature works by checking the employee's current location against a set of predefined GPS zones.

The platform's GPS zone restriction feature ensures that employees can only punch in and out from authorized locations. This feature works by checking the employee's current location against a set of predefined GPS zones. If the employee is not in one of these zones, a notification is sent to the administrator. The administrator can then take action to ensure that the employee is in the correct location before allowing them to complete their timecard entry.

If the worker is in one of these zones, the punch-in or punch-out occurs as expected.

If the worker is in one of these zones, the punch-in or punch-out occurs as expected. If the employee is not in one of these zones, a message will be sent to the administrator. The administrator can then take action to resolve the issue and prevent unauthorized logins by setting up a GPS zone restriction for that user or group.

If not, a notification will be sent to the administrator alerting them to the breach.

If you find yourself in this situation, the administrator will be notified by email that an employee has punched in or out from an unauthorized location. The administrator can then review the GPS zone data to determine if the employee was using their device at the time of punching in or out. If so, they will receive a warning message and be notified that future violations may result in disciplinary action.

If not, a notification will be sent to the administrator alerting them to the breach. In either case (whether it's an actual violation or just an error), it's important for employers and administrators alike to understand how GPS zones work so they can avoid similar incidents in the future

The GPS zone restriction feature prevents employees from punching in or out from unauthorized locations.

The GPS zone restriction feature ensures that employees can only punch in and out from authorized locations. This helps prevent fraud by ensuring that employees are where they should be, as well as preventing them from working for someone else.


The GPS zone restriction feature is a powerful tool that can help you maintain control over your workforce. It's easy to set up and use, so there's no reason not to give it a try today!

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