Open Time Clock's security features protect businesses from unauthorized access and ensure the accuracy of employee time tracking.


Time clock security is important for any business that is using the time clocks. If you are using Time Clock Software, your business is protected from unauthorized access and your employees are accountable for their timecard entries.

Time clock security features

In addition to these features, Open Time Clock's time clock software is integrated with an internal password-protection system that allows you to set access policies by employee type, project and/or department. You can control who can change timesheets, create reports and export data.

The time clock software is integrated with an internal password-protection system.

The Open Time Clock software is integrated with an internal password-protection system that requires user names and passwords. The administrator can set up policies for the number of failed logins allowed before blocking access to the time clock software, as well as how many days before resetting a forgotten password. The administrator can also control access to the time clock by employee type, project and/or department so that employees do not have access to information that doesn't pertain to them.

The time clock software offers the ability to set access policies by employee type, project and/or department.

The time clock software offers the ability to set access policies by employee type, project and/or department. This allows you to control which employees can access what information in the system.

  • Employee roles: Employees can be assigned to different roles within your organization, such as manager or administrative assistant. Each role has its own unique permissions that control what information each person is allowed access to within Open Time Clock. For example, a manager will have permission over projects but not payroll data; whereas an administrative assistant would have permissions for payroll but not project management functions (unless they also happen to be assigned as project managers). This gives businesses greater control over who sees what information from their time tracking software solution so they can limit unauthorized access and ensure accuracy of employee time tracking records

The time clock software allows you to control who can change timesheets, create reports and export data.

The time clock software allows you to control who can change timesheets, create reports and export data. You can set access policies by employee type, project and/or department so that only authorized users have access to the information they need. This helps prevent unauthorized changes to timecards or sensitive information such as employee personal data that could be used for identity theft.

If a user tries to log in too many times in a short period of time, the system will block them.

If a user tries to log in too many times in a short period of time, the system will block them.

You can set the number of times someone can try to log in before the system blocks them. You can also choose how long they're blocked for and whether they have to wait before trying again (if so, how many minutes).

Your business is protected from unauthorized access and your employees are accountable for their timecard entries.

Open Time Clock offers several features that help protect your business and ensure the accuracy of employee time tracking.

Employees can't change their own timesheets

Employees cannot edit other employees' timesheets

Employees can't create reports or export data

Your staff will be held accountable for their timecard entries, which means you'll know exactly how much each person has worked at all times.


Open Time Clock's security features protect businesses from unauthorized access and ensure the accuracy of employee time tracking. The time clock software is integrated with an internal password-protection system, which means that only authorized employees can access their timesheets. The time clock software also offers the ability to set access policies by employee type, project and/or department so that your business is protected from unauthorized access and your employees are accountable for their timecard entries. If a user tries too many times in short period of time, then system will block them.

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