Kiosk device is a self-service device used by employees to clock in and out.


The Kiosk is an Open Time Clock device, which allows you to log in and out as well as check your schedule. The kiosk can be configured to require a PIN number before logging in.

The Kiosk is an Open Time Clock device, which allows you to log in and out as well as check your schedule.

The Kiosk is an Open Time Clock device, which allows you to log in and out as well as check your schedule. The kiosk can be configured to require a PIN number before logging in.

The Kiosk also allows you to view your time card information and take breaks.

The Kiosk also allows you to view your time card information and take breaks. You can log in, enter your user name and password, then select "View My Time Card" from the menu. The kiosk will display all of your scheduled shifts for the week so that you can see how many hours each day you're working. If there are any changes to your schedule, such as added shifts or canceled shifts due to inclement weather conditions (for example), those changes will be reflected here as well.

The kiosk also allows employees who use it regularly enough that they don't need to check their schedules every day--or even every week--to take an additional break from work without having to leave their station before clocking out at the end of their shift! This feature comes in handy especially during busy seasons like winter holidays when there may not be enough staff members available for all shifts at once; this way everyone gets some extra time off without worrying about missing out on earning potential due to missing out on work hours altogether

The kiosk can be configured to require a PIN number before logging in.

You can configure the kiosk to require a PIN number before logging in. A PIN is a set of numbers that employees use to identify themselves and gain access to their accounts, such as online banking or payroll services.

PINs are often used to secure sensitive information and prevent unauthorized access, which makes them ideal for controlling access to assets like kiosks. For example, if you want an employee who has been given permission by management or HR to use your kiosk at certain times of day (and only those times), then requiring them enter their own personal identification number will ensure that only people with permission have access during those specified hours

Open Time Clock is a self-service device used by employees to clock in and out

Open Time Clock is a self-service device used by employees to clock in and out. Employees can view their schedule, take breaks, check time card information and log in or out using a PIN number or fingerprint.

The kiosk is easy to use: Enter your employee ID number into the keypad on top of the unit (not case sensitive), then press "Enter." You will be prompted for your password if you have one; otherwise just press "Enter" again to continue with zero-password access. Then select which option you'd like from drop down menu options below them:

  • Log Out -- This will allow you to exit Open Time Clock without saving any changes made since logging in last time (e.g., if someone else has logged in).
  • Take Break -- Selecting this option will take an authorized break from work as defined by HR policies and regulations within each state where Open Time Clocks are used (you must also provide proof that this break was taken).


In conclusion, the kiosk is a self-service device used by employees to clock in and out. It allows you to log in and out as well as check your schedule. The kiosk also allows you to view your time card information and take breaks.

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