Businesses can use the platform to manage employee time sheets more efficiently, reducing errors and saving time.


Whether you're a small business owner, or the C-suite at a multi-national corporation, your company relies on time tracking to stay organized. You need a system that's easy to use, allows employees to clock in and out quickly, and provides valuable data that can be used for payroll purposes. If you're looking for an affordable solution that will help streamline your time management workflow—and save you time in the process—Open Time Clock is the right choice for your business.

Streamline Time Tracking and Management

Time tracking is an important tool for businesses to manage their employees' time sheets. Time tracking allows businesses to:

  • Reduce errors and save time by automatically recording employee hours worked.
  • Provide more accurate information about the cost of labor, which helps you make better business decisions.
  • Ensure that employees are paid fairly for their work, which can help avoid pay disputes or lawsuits in the future.

The CompanyTime platform makes it easy for companies to use this tool effectively by helping them streamline their processes around employee scheduling, time off requests and reporting on hours worked by individual workers (and teams).

Reduce Errors

Reducing errors is one of the most important aspects of managing employee time sheets. It can be costly to your business if you don't, as employee time sheets that contain incorrect information can cause problems with payroll and other financial processes.

To avoid these errors, it's important to use the right tools when creating or entering new data into your system. Open Time Clock is a great tool for reducing errors while keeping things organized and efficient.

Improve Accuracy and Efficiency

Accuracy is important for businesses. Being able to accurately track the time your employees are spending on tasks is essential to ensuring that they're getting paid appropriately and performing their jobs effectively. Open Time Clock makes it easy to manage employee time sheets, so you can save yourself from having to manually enter every single task each employee performs throughout the day. With this tool, you'll be able to easily see how long each person worked on a given project or task, helping you keep track of which projects need more attention and which ones have been completed successfully.

Additionally, Open Time Clock allows users access real-time reports so that managers can see where there might be issues with productivity before those problems become too big (or even worse). These reports also include information like overtime pay rates--so if an employee ends up working more than 40 hours per week (which generally means they should receive overtime), then this software will automatically calculate what extra money needs paid out!

Increase Collaboration and Communication

In addition to helping you manage employee time sheets, the platform also offers numerous features that can help your business grow. For example, employees can communicate with each other and managers by sharing files and messages within the app. You can also use the platform's chat feature for instant communication between employees in different locations or at different times of day.

This is especially useful for businesses with remote employees who may not be able to meet face-to-face as often as those who work in an office setting would like them too.

In addition to these features, there are many more ways businesses can use Punchtime Pro:

Manage Multiple Locations, Projects, and Teams

You can use the platform to manage time for multiple locations, projects and teams. You can also track time for multiple employees and departments, or even job codes.

Customize Time Reports For Your Business

Customizing time reports for your business is crucial to ensuring that you're getting the most out of your employee time sheets. With the right customizations, you can streamline the way you manage employee time and get more accurate data than ever before.

Customizable Time Reports

There are many different ways to customize Time Doctor's time tracking software so that it meets the needs of your business:

  • Custom Fields - You can add custom fields to any report template in order to track specific information about each employee or project at hand. For example, if you want employees who work on certain projects (like marketing) to enter their hours differently than other employees (like engineering), then adding a field for "Marketing" might be helpful in separating out those two groups' data from one another when exporting reports into Excel or Google Sheets later on down the line!

With Open Time Clock, you can easily manage all your employee time off requests.

Open Time Clock makes it easy to manage all your employee time off requests. You can easily manage requests from employees, managers, and HR. And with Open Time Clock's reporting tools you will be able to track the status of your requests in real-time and see how long each request has been pending for as well as which departments have higher rates of approval or rejection.


Open Time Clock is a great way to manage employee time off requests and streamline your company's time sheet process. It's easy to use, affordable, and has many features that help businesses save time and money.

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Created with the Personal Edition of HelpNDoc: Benefits of a Help Authoring Tool