An Employee Time Tracking App is a valuable tool for businesses to track employee time and attendance data, enabling them to monitor employee productivity and ensure accurate payroll processing.


If you need to track employee attendance, consider using a biometric time clock. Biometrics such as fingerprint scanning and facial recognition can be used to ensure accurate time tracking in your workplace. Biometric time clocks are easy to use and are especially useful if multiple employees need access to the same time clock.

Why should I use employee time tracking software?

  • Employee time tracking software can help you to track employee productivity.
  • Employee time tracking software can help you to manage your workforce.
  • Employee time tracking software can help you to manage your payroll, ensuring accurate paychecks and reducing the risk of errors and costly lawsuits.
  • Employee time tracking software can be used by employers and employees alike to ensure that people are using their paid time off appropriately, so that everyone gets what they need without going over budget or understaffing certain departments at any given moment in time (for example, if someone takes too much vacation during business hours).

What is the best type of employee time tracking software for my business?

The best employee time tracking software for your business depends on how many employees you have and how much data you need to store.

  • If you have a small business with only a few employees, then an online time tracking system might be the best option for you. It's easy to set up and can be accessed from anywhere via computer or mobile device--allowing everyone on your team to track their hours in real time! The software is also great because it gives users the ability to run reports based on their activities so that managers can easily see where improvement opportunities lie in order to improve overall productivity.
  • If there are dozens of people working at one location but only one manager responsible for overseeing everything (i.e., an office manager), then desktop software may offer better functionality than an online system because there isn't much interaction between departments/teams within each organization (so there isn't really any need).

How can I set up employee time tracking?

To set up employee time tracking, you will need to do the following:

  • Set up a time clock. A time clock is an electronic device that records employees' arrival and departure times as they enter and exit the workplace. The most common type of digital time clock has two buttons--one for punching in and one for punching out--and includes an LCD display that shows when an employee has clocked in or out. If you do not already have a digital time clock, you can purchase one at any office supply store or online retailer that sells office equipment and supplies.
  • Set up an employee time tracker app on each employee's smartphone or tablet so that they can record their own hours at work over the course of their shift(s).

How do I implement a biometric time clock for my employees?

Biometric time clocks are a great way for employers to keep track of employee attendance, productivity and overtime. This can be done by using the biometric clock as an access control device for employees entering and leaving work premises.

Employees who are required to punch in and out can simply scan their finger or hand on the scanner at the beginning of their shift, with this information being logged in real time onto an integrated database system. This ensures that there is no duplication between different systems while also providing additional data relating to breaks taken by staff members during work hours (or lack thereof).

What are the benefits of using biometric time clocks with an employee time tracking system?

Biometric time clocks with an employee time tracking system can provide a number of benefits to businesses.

Biometric time clocks are more accurate than traditional manual methods. This is because they use an employee's fingerprints or other unique biometric data to identify each individual and record their entry into the office or work site. This means that there is no need for you as the employer to oversee this process, which frees up your time so that you can focus on other tasks.

The use of biometrics also helps reduce payroll processing errors caused by human error or fraud and abuse by employees who may falsify records of their work hours. It reduces risk of theft as well: since biometrics allow only authorized individuals entry into restricted areas (such as warehouses), unauthorized personnel cannot gain access without authorization from management first - making it harder for thieves looking specifically after valuable merchandise such as expensive electronics devices like laptops/tablets/smart phones etcetera). In addition, because most biometric systems require two types - one form being used solely for identification purposes while another serves only purpose then recording those who enter its premises - anyone trying

to impersonate another person would need both forms before being allowed entrance into said location (or at least one form if theirs happens not have been registered yet).

If you need to track employee attendance, consider using a biometric time clock.

If you need to track employee attendance, consider using a biometric time clock. Biometric time clocks are more accurate than traditional time clocks because they use fingerprint or facial recognition technology to verify that employees are present at work during their scheduled shifts. This helps ensure that you have accurate payroll processing and can monitor employee productivity.

Biometric systems have become popular with businesses of all sizes because they're easy-to-use, cost effective and provide high levels of security while maintaining compliance with government regulations on record keeping policies (such as those required by Sarbanes Oxley).


If you're looking for a way to track employee time and attendance, we recommend using a biometric time clock. It can be used in conjunction with an employee time tracking system to ensure accurate payroll processing, as well as monitor productivity levels throughout your business.

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