Open Time Clock vs Sprout

Open Time Clock and Sprout are both popular time tracking software options for businesses. Here are the key differences between them:

Open Time Clock:

Open Time Clock is a time tracking software that offers businesses a range of features designed to improve their employee time tracking processes. The software provides a free plan with unlimited users, which is an excellent choice for small businesses. Paid plans offer advanced features such as scheduling, invoicing, and labor costing.

Open Time Clock integrates easily with popular payroll software like QuickBooks and ADP, making payroll processing simple for businesses. The software enables web browser- or mobile app-based clock-in/out and also includes an intuitive interface for reporting and analytics.


Sprout is designed for businesses in the Philippines that require a comprehensive HR management solution. Sprout offers time tracking alongside other features such as payroll processing, employee record keeping, and benefits management. The software provides an all-in-one system that simplifies employee management tasks for businesses.

One of the most significant benefits of Sprout is its ability to handle Philippine taxation and regulatory requirements. Besides, Sprout provides a language customization option, which can be helpful for businesses that operate in multiple locations.

Comparing the Two:

Open Time Clock and Sprout offer different features and advantages that cater to specific business requirements.

Open Time Clock focuses on employee time tracking alongside scheduling, invoicing, and labor costing features, making it ideal for businesses requiring simplified timekeeping procedures. Sprout is designed more comprehensively for businesses in the Philippines that require a complete HR management solution, bundle features like payroll processing and benefits management.

Choosing between Open Time Clock and Sprout depends on the specific needs of the business. Open Time Clock is ideal if you are looking for easy-to-use time tracking software, whereas Sprout is a better option for businesses looking for a comprehensive HR management solution that complies with Philippine legal and regulatory requirements.

In conclusion, Open Time Clock and Sprout cater to different needs and requirements of businesses. While Open Time Clock offers simple time tracking features, Sprout offers more comprehensive HR management features specific to Philippine business requirements.

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1. Open Time Clock

2. Time Clock Free

3. vTimer

4. Park Time

5. Clock Simple

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