Open Time Clock vs Calamari

Open Time Clock and Calamari are two popular time tracking software solutions for businesses. Here are the key differences between them:

Open Time Clock:

Open Time Clock is a time tracking software that offers businesses a range of features designed to improve their employee time tracking process. The tool offers a free plan with unlimited users, making it an excellent choice for small businesses. Paid plans offer expanded features such as scheduling, invoicing, and labor costing.

One of the most significant benefits of Open Time Clock is its easy integration to other payroll software like QuickBooks and ADP. This simplifies payroll processing for businesses and saves time. The software is also intuitive, with a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate and generate reports.


Calamari is a comprehensive time tracking software that offers businesses various features designed to streamline their HR and time management processes. The software includes features such as attendance tracking, leave management, and employee scheduling. Calamari integrates with popular payroll software such as Gusto and ADP.

One of the significant benefits of Calamari is its AI integration, which ensures accurate time tracking and data processing. Calamari offers reliable tracking of overtime hours and can detect early clock-ins, which aids in saving labor costs.

Comparing the Two:

When comparing Open Time Clock and Calamari, Open Time Clock is a better choice if you require straightforward time tracking. Open Time Clock's primary focus is on time and attendance tracking in addition to other features like scheduling and invoicing. Calamari offers more advanced features such as automated data processing, employee scheduling, and leave management.

Another advantage of Calamari is its AI integration, which ensures accurate time tracking and data processing, which is not available on Open Time Clock. Calamari also integrates with popular payroll software like Gusto and ADP, making it easier for businesses to handle payroll and other HR processes.

Choosing the right software will depend on your specific business needs. Open Time Clock is an excellent choice if you're looking for simple time tracking with the added feature of scheduling and invoicing. In contrast, Calamari is ideal for businesses looking for a comprehensive HR and time management solution, including features such as overtime hours tracking, leave management, and employee scheduling.

In conclusion, both Open Time Clock and Calamari offer unique features that cater to specific businesses' needs. The choice between the two depends on whether you prioritize simple time tracking or comprehensive HR and time management features.

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1. Open Time Clock

2. Time Clock Free

3. vTimer

4. Park Time

5. Clock Simple

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