Open Time Clock's paid time off accrual tracking ensures that employees are getting the time off they need without disrupting the business.


Paid time off (PTO) is your employees' right to take time away from work. But how do you know if they're taking their allotted leave or not? That's where paid time off tracking comes in. You need a way to monitor employees' use of PTO and ensure they aren't abusing the system. Open Time Clock is a solution that provides accurate records of when employees are working, taking breaks and being paid for overtime.

The Benefits of Open Time Clock

Open Time Clock is an online time tracking and scheduling system that makes it easy for employees to track their paid time off. Employees can use the system to check their balance and request time off, which means no more manual labor on your part!

Open Time Clock also helps reduce employee absence by ensuring that everyone gets their appropriate allotment of days off each year. This reduces disruptions in the workplace and allows you to focus on running your business instead of managing employees' schedules.

How to Use Paid Time Off Tracking

Let's first take a look at how to use the paid time off tracking feature in a team environment. If you have multiple teams and want to see which employees are taking the most time off, then this is the best way to do it.

To get started, select "Open Time Clock" from your app menu or website dashboard and then click on "Paid Time Off Tracking" under "Reports." This will open up a new screen where you can enter in any names of people who are on vacation or sick leave as well as their start date/end date information so that they show up correctly when viewing reports (see image below).

Open Time Clock helps reduce employee absence, manage time off, and ensure employees are taking their paid time off.

Open Time Clock helps reduce employee absence, manage time off and ensure employees are taking their paid time off.

Employees are more likely to take time off if they know it is available and can easily request it. The Open Time Clock system allows employees to request time off using their mobile device or computer, at any time of day or night. Employers can approve requests instantly from anywhere in the world with an internet connection on any device.

Employers can track all requests and approvals through the system's dashboard so they know exactly who has requested what kind of leave, when they last took vacation or sick days (and how many), how much vacation/sick time remains for each employee, etc., all in real-time! This makes it easy to ensure everyone is getting paid fairly while also keeping track of all pertinent information related to paid leave accrual at any given point during its use cycle - before heading out on vacation next week? Just log into Open Time Clock now!


Paid time off is an important part of a company's benefits package. Without it, employees have no way to take time off for vacation or personal days without losing pay. Open Time Clock helps businesses manage their paid time off by providing a simple solution that allows employees to track their own hours and see how much they have left before receiving another paycheck from work.

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