Enhance your business efficiency with our Time Clock, Timesheet, GPS Time Tracker, Paid Time Off Tracking, Vacation Tracking, and Employee Scheduling solution.


Do you want to increase the efficiency of your business and make sure that everything is being done correctly? With our time tracking software, it's easier than ever to understand how much time each employee spends on a task. This way, you can make sure they're not wasting their time or missing deadlines. You'll also be able to see exactly who worked when and what tasks they completed.

Time and attendance tracking

Time and attendance tracking is a must for businesses to ensure that they are meeting their goals. For example, if your company has a policy of giving employees two weeks' paid vacation time per year, it's important to keep track of when each employee takes off. This helps you ensure that all employees have taken their allotted vacation time while also ensuring they don't abuse the system by taking more than they're entitled to.

TimeClock Plus offers various features related to time tracking:

  • Employee attendance/time clock - Employees can clock in and out using an electronic device such as a smartphone or tablet connected via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. You can even set up multiple devices so employees can choose what works best for them (for example, one employee might prefer the convenience of clocking in from home while another may want the flexibility provided by having access from anywhere).
  • Timesheet reports - The software generates detailed reports based on hours worked by each employee during different shifts; these reports include overtime calculations as well as other statistics such as total wages paid per pay period and total payroll expense amounts per week/month/year.* GPS location tracking - If an employee drives company vehicles or equipment (such as forklifts), then GPS location tracking will help ensure safety standards are met by recording where each vehicle was driven throughout its shift(s).

Timesheet management

Timesheets are a great way to track time spent on different tasks. When used in HR departments, timesheets can be used for payroll purposes. In addition to tracking billable hours and vacation time, timesheet software can also help employers track employee productivity by providing detailed information about how each employee spends their days at work.

Timesheet management is an essential component of any business that requires employees to track their hours worked or projects completed throughout the week or month. Timesheet management solutions allow companies large and small alike the ability to manage their employees' schedules while still giving them autonomy over how they spend their days at work--all without having to do it manually!

GPS time tracker

GPS time tracker is a tool to track the location of your employees. It provides real-time tracking of employees and helps you to monitor their activities. GPS time tracker provides reports of employee activities, including driving speed, idle time and arrival at destination. These reports will help you in improving productivity by making sure that your staff members are working efficiently throughout their shift.

Employee scheduling and time off request

  • View, edit and approve employee time off requests.
  • Track time off requests from the dashboard.
  • Employees can request time off from the app.
  • Employees can track their own time off using our mobile app or web portal, which also allows managers to view and approve these requests in real-time on an iPad or PC/Mac computer at any location without having to login anywhere else! This makes it easy for employees who are working remotely or out of town so they don't have to wait until they get back into the office before seeing whether their manager has approved their request yet (or not).

Paid time off tracking, vacation tracking, and more...

  • Paid time off tracking
  • Vacation tracking
  • Pregnancy leave tracking
  • Sick leave tracking

For more information on our employee scheduling software, check out our website!

Our time tracking software is the best solution for your small business.

If you are a small business owner and looking for an affordable time tracking software, then you have come to the right place. Our time clock software is easy to use and reliable. It will help you save money by reducing payroll processing costs, increasing productivity and improving employee attendance.

Our unique features include:

  • Easy-to-use interface with customizable fields
  • Free support from our customer support team via email or phone
  • Unlimited data storage capacity


We hope this article has helped you understand the importance of time tracking and how it can help your business. If you would like to learn more about our software, please contact us by filling out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

For any question, please contact us in OpenTimeClock.com. https://www.opentimeclock.com.

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