Employee time clock with online reporting is a system that allows employees to clock in and out and provides online reporting for managers.


We understand that as a business owner, you have a lot on your plate. That's why we've created an employee time clock with online reporting system that allows employees to clock in and out and provides online reporting for managers. The time clock is connected to the Internet so there's no need for paper punch cards or manual payroll processing. The employee time clock app is available for both Android phones and iPhone so employees can check in from anywhere they happen to be at any given moment during their work day.

Employee time clock with online reporting is a system that allows employees to clock in and out and provides online reporting for managers.

Employee time clock with online reporting is a system that allows employees to clock in and out, as well as provides online reporting for managers. This system gives employees the flexibility to punch-in and punch-out when it's convenient for them, rather than being required to do so at a specific time.

Open Time Clocks are simple, secure and easy to use.

  • Simple, secure and easy to use.
  • Open Time Clocks are simple, secure and easy to use. Our online employee time clock software is accessible 24/7 with direct dialing options for employees and managers alike. Employees can access their information directly from their phones or computers and managers can view the entire company's attendance data from any device at any time day or night.
  • Mobile apps for employees allow them to clock in/out on their own without having to wait in line at a physical location like most other systems require! Clocking in on your phone couldn't be easier!

The time clock is connected to the Internet.

The time clock is connected to the Internet, which is a network of computers that communicate with one another. It's also connected to a server, which stores all your employee data in a database and allows you access from anywhere in the world through a computer or mobile device.

After you setup your account, we will send you an email with your login information.

After you setup your account, we will send you an email with your login information. You can also login with your mobile device.

You can choose from a variety of options including 24/7 access through our web portal, mobile apps for both iPhone and Android phones, or direct dialing options.

The online reporting system allows you to view your employee's schedules and track their hours from any computer or mobile device. You can also use our mobile app for iPhone and Android phones, which lets you clock in and out from your phone with ease. If you prefer to have direct dialing options, we offer those as well.

For example: "You can choose from a variety of options including 24/7 access through our web portal, mobile apps for both iPhone and Android phones, or direct dialing options."

An employee time clock with online reporting provides employees with the flexibility to punch-in and punch-out when it's convenient for them.

An employee time clock with online reporting provides employees with the flexibility to punch-in and punch-out when it's convenient for them. Employees can clock in from any location, including their homes, so they don't have to wait until they get into work before clocking in. The same goes for when they want to leave for the day; employees can use their phones or other devices to clock out when it's time for them to go home (or do whatever else).


We hope you found this article helpful and informative. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at  

For any question, please contact us in OpenTimeClock.com. https://www.opentimeclock.com.

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