Build trust with your employees and show them that you value their time with our time clock app that simplifies your time tracking process.


If you're looking for an efficient time clock app, you've come to the right place. Our cloud-based software allows your employees to clock in and out of work on their own time -- as long as they have access to the internet. You don't need to worry about tracking hours or managing payroll; we do all of that for you. This means fewer hassles for you and less money spent on labor costs overall!

Our time clock app is designed to save you time and money.

Our time clock app is designed to save you time and money.

There are no paper forms to fill out, so your employees won't need to waste valuable time filling them out.

Our app also eliminates the need for stopwatches, saving you even more on labor costs.

We've got your payroll covered.

You can pay your employees electronically through our time clock app, or you can choose to print checks and mail them out. Our payroll system automatically calculates payroll taxes, so there's no need for you to calculate tax rates or send a payment every quarter.

With our time clock application, it's easy for managers and supervisors to approve employee timecards and submit them for approval by HR before they are sent on to accounting for processing. This process ensures that all hours worked by employees are accounted for correctly in the system, making sure that everyone gets paid what they deserve at the end of each pay period!

You can forget about the hassles of manually tracking employee hours with our time clock app.

  • Employees can clock in and out themselves.
  • No need for paper forms or stopwatches.
  • You don't have to travel to the office to get a pay stub, which means your employees will get paid faster!
  • Employees can access their pay stubs from anywhere on their phones or computers, so they don't have to wait until payday to see how much money they made during the week (or month).

Our software eliminates the need for paper forms and stopwatches, helping you save valuable time and money on labor costs.

Our time clock app eliminates the need for paper forms, stopwatches and time sheets. It's easy to use and saves you valuable time that can be better spent elsewhere.

When you install our software on your computer system or mobile device, employees can clock in and out from anywhere with their smartphone or tablet--no more waiting around for someone else to log them in! You'll also have access to real-time reports so you can see how much time each employee has taken off over the past week or month (or year).

With our software solution at work, there's no need for expensive equipment like time clocks or stopwatches; we've done all of the hard work for you so that all of your employees have access 24/7 without any additional effort required by either party involved in this process."

Our online platform allows employees to clock in and out themselves whenever they want -- as long as they have access to the internet.

Our online platform allows employees to clock in and out themselves whenever they want -- as long as they have access to the internet. This means that you can let your team work from home, or pick up extra hours while traveling, without worrying about missing a beat on your time tracking process.

You don't need to worry about setting up an expensive system in order for this feature to work either; our app is compatible with any device that has access to an internet connection (and if you're looking for some suggestions on what devices might be best suited for your business needs, check out our blog post here).

Our cloud-based system gives employees remote access to their pay stubs, so they can see exactly how much they're earning each pay period without having to travel to the office.

Our cloud-based system gives employees remote access to their pay stubs, so they can see exactly how much they're earning each pay period without having to travel to the office. This helps you save time and money on printing, postage and labor costs associated with sending paper documents. It also means that if an employee has questions about their paycheck or tax deductions -- no matter where they are -- they can get answers immediately by accessing their paystub online through our app or website.

Open Time Clock is the most affordable way for businesses to track employee hours and paychecks.

Open Time Clock is the most affordable way for businesses to track employee hours and paychecks. It's easy to use, it's secure, and it's affordable.

The only time clock app that allows employees to clock in and out themselves!


Open Time Clock is the most affordable way for businesses to track employee hours and paychecks.

For any question, please contact us in

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